Relax & Recharge with the Quantum Energy Wellness Bed

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed is the latest state-of-the-art healing technology that harnesses the power of quantum energy, frequencies, heat and microcurrent stimulation to help you relax, recharge, and realign with your highest wellness potential.
energy wellness bed
quantum healing

Quantum Technology

Quantum wellness is a revolutionary approach to health and well-being. It takes a holistic view of the body, mind and spirit in order to create balance and harmony within each individual.

Quantum wellness focuses on creating a state of energetic resonance that allows for optimal physical, emotional and spiritual health. At its core, quantum wellness is based on the idea that all matter has an energy that can be manipulated through understanding how this energy works on a fundamental level.

How Does It Work

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed unites multiple potent modalities, such as far infrared heat, sound, and microcurrent stimulation. These harmonious modalities generate a perpetual quantum field and biophotons – which are light particles that the body can take in.
quantum healing
natural health

Why Everyone Needs It

The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed provides an innovative solution to the challenge of modern lifestyles which prevent people from accessing essential resources such as exercise, sunlight, fresh air and clean water for maintaining health.
It combines heat, sound, microcurrent, and quantum energy to recreate these natural resources in order to help the body reach total-body wellness.

Check out what Bed users have to say

“I have been healing from

some vertebral injuries after a

car accident last year and

after lying on the bed for one

session I experienced a

lasting increase in mobility

and comfort and a

noticeable decrease in



“My PSA test went from 375

to 3.7 and the cat scan

showed the masses were

no longer observable.

Alongside a holistic lifestyle,

the QEWB played a role in

my severe "immune disorder.

Curtis G.

“The soundtrack with the

music and the way that it

made me vibrate was

incredible. I felt more alive &

more awake. And I suffer

from nerve damage and I’m

almost feeling like all of my

toes on the floor right now

which is a new experience for



Last year I became very sick and was in and out of the hospital and ER a few times. I was looking for anything to help me feel better and found the QEWB at a spa in our town. I had tried so many things for 5 months trying to get my life back but after using the Bed for just a few weeks, I finally started feeling like my old self again.

Linda H

“After more than 35 years of extreme discipline of meditation, energy work, a vegan diet, and thousands of dollars in supplements, I achieved a higher state of consciousness in just one hour on the bed than all those years and disciplines combined. There are no human words to explain the experience.

Don B

“It felt like I was put into a meditative state but without any effort. Coming out of a session I felt calm and grounded with a simultaneous increase of energy that lasted for several days.

Jayme F
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